NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming ) is an approach to psychotherapy and organizational change based on a model of interpersonal communication chiefly concerned with the relationship between successful patterns of behaviour and the subjective experience (esp.Pattern of thought) underlying them and a system of alternative therapy based on this which seeks to educate people in self awarenesst & effective communication and to change their patterns of mental & emotional behaviour .
How can NLP help low self esteem ?
Before NLP , psychologists and other professionals used to study people with problems and try to work out solutions for them .
The developers of NLP thought , ' wouldn't it be better to study people that have had a problem and gotten over it ?'
They did just that and thus created some of the most amazing personal change tools in existence today !
When they discovered a new way a person solved a previous problem they called this thought process , behaviour a PATTERN .
One of NLP patterns is the swish pattern that uses an area of NLP known as sub-modalities .
You don't need to know all about sub-modalities to use this procedure though .
We actually do 'swishes' inside our minds already below our threshold of awareness .
A swish is a brain process that switches us from one state of consciousness to another .
Your brain can swish you to a negative state or a positive state of mind .
How to use the swish to boost your self esteem ?
By directionalizing your brain in a positive direction .
The swish is incredibly versatile with many uses :
1-Get rid of unwanted habits such as : smoking , nail biting , facial tics , etc .
2-Change unwanted behaviours such as : getting angry at people , negative feelings triggered by certain situations ,etc .
3-Change unresourceful feelings into self empowering feelings .
You can learn more about NLP and self esteem HERE