Trick For Dealing With Anxiety And Stress


There is an excellent and simple
that helps to
reduce stress by
balancing the
brain hemispheres.

It is A 90 Second Trick For Dealing With Anxiety And Stress

You should know that
feelings of anxiety and stress are caused by the mind
contemplating fearful outcomes. Of course much of this
cognition is outside of our awareness; Sub-Conscious.

One of the ways of dealing with anxiety and stress is to
switch brain hemispheres. According to Neuroanatomist, Jill
Bolte Taylor, whenever we are in states of fear, most of our
brain activity is occuring in the left hemisphere.

So if you do something that gets your right brain
functioning, it means you are going to reduce the anxiety
and stress.

This can be surprisingly simple once you know how...
Recently I heard an excellent interview with Genie Z.
Laborde who has been involved with Neuro-Linguistic
Programming over three decades and wrote the best selling
NLP book, Influencing With Integrity.

I discovered the following technique from listening to Genie
and it really is simple! She has tested it with hundreds of
clients and it has taught them how to deal with stress and
how to deal with anxiety.

There is no fear in the Right Brain. The Left Brain is
designed to keep you safe so is full of fear. Being in the
NOW is the key to using the Right Brain.

Below is the simple method for dealing with anxiety and
dealing with stress that will bring you back into your right
brain .

Your Big Toe Joe!

1. You find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, worried,
fearful or panicky.

2. Begin to notice the feeling in your left big toe. Just
notice how it feels.

3. Now notice the feeling of your foot.

4. Gradually move up your body noticing the sensations in
the different parts of your body.

5. Within 90 seconds your fearful feelings will have
subsided !

I have been experimenting with it for a few weeks and I'm
pleased to say it really does work. It brings your attention
back into the present moment and switches on your right
brain circuits. The Power of Now in action!

The only thing is you've got to remember to do it! So I
suggest you write a reminder on a card and carry that in
your pocket.

By : Colin Smith
a Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP

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