How to Use The Swish Technique to Raise Your Self Esteem

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The swish technique is one of NLP techniques used to boost self esteem .

How to do the swish technique

NLP technique the basic swish :

(1) Identify Context
Pick a situations that includes undesirable feelings inside of you .
Where or when would you like to behave differently than you do now ?
(Examples : an interview , asking someone out , driving onto a free way , etc.)

(2) Identify Cue Image
What do you see in the above situation just before you start doing the behaviours you don't like .
Imagine actually being in the situation , seeing through your own eyes to help get the cue image .
It can be useful to physically do what you do just before the unwanted behaviour .
(Note : the cue image can be internal image inside your mind or an external , real-world image)

(3) Creatd Outcome Picture
See yourself over there as you would look if you had already accomplished the desired change .
How would you stand ?what would your facial expression look like ?
If you had made this change how would you see yourself differently ? Etc .

(4) Swish
Start by seeing the cue image , big and bright .
Next put a small dark image of the outcome picture in the lower right corner .
The small dark image will grow big and bright and cover the cue image , which will get dim and shrink away .
It can be useful to say 'swissssshhhh' at the same time !
(Note : it is very important to do the actual swish very fast for it to be efective , less than one second )

(5) Blank out screen or open your eyes

(6) Repeat from step 4 again five times

(7) Test

Now try and picture the cue image again .
If the swish has been effective it will be hard to do as the outcome picture will appear automatically !

Quick Tip :
Beacuse you are doing something with your brain you don't usually do consciously .
It can be useful to first of all practice shrinking the cue image .
And then pratice enlarging the outcome picture .

More about NLP and self esteem >>

This article is written by Colin G Smith who is a Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP

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